
A simple and ease-to-use Lightbox system build on top of Bootstrap's native Carousel and Modal JavaScript components. bs-lightbox is compatible with Bootstrap v4 and Bootstrap v5.

Getting Started

Our bs-lightbox package depends on the Bootstrap CSS and JS framework, especially the Carousel and Modal components. Since this package does not provide a bundled version you've to ensure yourself that the Bootstrap framework is added to your HTML document and loaded BEFORE the bs-lightbox JavaScript.

bs-lightbox does also not provide any stylings or stylesheets but uses and depends on the Bootstrap native CSS components and utility classes. You don't have to worry, when you're using the already bundled distribution files - provided on getbootstrap.com. Only if you're using the Bootstrap source files, you've to make sure, that the default utility classes as well as the Carousel and Modal components are loaded and included in your bundled stylesheet.


bs-lightbox has been especially designed for Bootstrap v5 and provides a working backward compatibility to Bootstrap v4. Older versions of Bootstrap may work with this plugin, but aren't supported nor tested.


You can download and embed the latest bs-lightbox version on the official GitHub Repository. Otherwise you can also use node.js and NPM, to include this package in your bundle / stack.

npm i @rat.md/bs-lightbox

Basic Usage

You can use bs-lightbox similar to many other different JavaScript packages. The following example code shows how to load and invoke the UMD bundle in the most basic way.

    <link href="/bs-lightbox/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" />
    <script src="/bs-lightbox/assets/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script>
    <script src="/bs-lightbox/assets/js/rat.lightbox.min.js"></script>
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {

The rat.Lightbox.invoke() method will fetch all supported elements, which has either the data-bs-toggle="lightbox", data-toggle="lightbox" or data-rat-lightbox attribute on it. However, you can also pass your own selector string to the .invoke method, or pass your options as second parameter (Read more about the Configurations here).

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {

// Invoke using a custom selector

// Invoke using custom configuration and the default selector
rat.Lightbox.invoke(null, {
    carousel: {
        ride: true
    modal: {
        size: 'fullscreen'


bs-lightbox will create a new Lightbox instance for each image, unless the items are grouped using the data-bs-gallery or data-gallery attribute, as described here. You can also add new images using the getOrCreateInstance or the Lightbox constructor method itself. However, we recommend using getOrCreateInstance to keep the gallery grouping alive and prevent throwing errors on images, which are already included in a Lightbox or Lightbox Set.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {

let element = document.querySelector('img.some-special-image');

// Creates a new Lightbox, or throws an Error when the image 
// is already included in another Lightbox.

let lightbox = new rat.Lightbox(element, /* Custom Configuration */);

// Create a new Lightbox or returns an existing Lightbox 
// Appends the image on grouped lightbox instances

let lightbox = rat.Lightbox.getOrCreateInstance(element);


Usage & Examples

bs-lightbox uses the data-bs-toggle="lightbox" (alternatively also data-toggle="lightbox" or data-rat-lightbox) attribute to find the nearest <picture /> or <img /> element (which must either the linked one or one of it's children). Thus, the most basic way to add a lightbox to your image is by following the syntax below. However, bs-lightbox does also support sightly different variations, as described in the chapter below.

When a <picture /> or <img /> Element has been found, bs-lightbox will deep-clone the whole node and remove the class names on the main element ... and only on the main element. So, if you've a picture > img construct, you should style your <picture /> element and set the height / width of the child <img /> node to 100%.

Even if the pictures above aren't linked, you're still able to click on them to open the Lightbox.

<div class="mb-3 d-flex justify-content-center">
<img src="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-4.jpg" data-toggle="lightbox" class="w-25 d-block" />

<div class="mb-3 d-flex justify-content-center">
<picture data-toggle="lightbox" class="w-25 d-block">
    <img src="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-5.jpg" class="w-100" />

<p class="text-muted mt-5">

Supported Variations

bs-lightbox also supports different formatting variations, which allows to change the image shown on the modal-carousel and also to add an optional title or caption.

Simple Link

Using a link as parent element allows to change the URL on an <img /> element, for example to provide a higher resolution version of the same (or a different) image. This does NOT work when using a <picture /> element - in this case you should rely on the HTML native <source> element.

Both links above point to the opposite picture, however just the first one works due to the <img /> element.

<a href="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-5.jpg" class="mb-3 d-flex justify-content-center" data-toggle="lightbox">
<img src="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-4.jpg" class="w-25 d-block" />

<a href="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-4.jpg" class="mb-3 d-flex justify-content-center" data-toggle="lightbox">
<picture class="w-25 d-block">
    <img src="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-5.jpg" class="w-100" />

<p class="text-muted mt-5">

Title & Caption

Since bs-lightbox using the official Bootstrap Carousel component, you can also add an own title and caption to the respective image. Just add the data-bs-title / data-bs-caption attributes or their alternative version data-title / data-caption on the desired picture.

The attributes can either be set on the same element or on the <picture> / <img /> one.

<a href="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-5.jpg" class="mb-3 d-flex justify-content-center" 
data-toggle="lightbox" data-title="Title" data-caption="Caption">
<img src="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-4.jpg" class="w-25 d-block" />

<a href="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-4.jpg" class="mb-3 d-flex justify-content-center" data-toggle="lightbox">
<picture class="w-25 d-block" data-title="Title" data-caption="Caption">
    <img src="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-5.jpg" class="w-100" />

<p class="text-muted mt-5">

Figure & Figcaption

Alternatively to the data-attributes above, you can also use the <figure> and <figcaption> elements, which allows to show the caption outside the Lightbox as well.

<figure class="figure" data-toggle="lightbox" data-title="Title">
<img src="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-4.jpg" class="w-25 d-block figure-img" />

<figure class="figure" data-toggle="lightbox" data-title="Title">
<picture class="w-25 d-block figure-img">
    <img src="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-5.jpg" class="w-100" />

A Lightbox / Carousel without the possibility to collect and slide through a bunch of pictures is absolutely useless. Thus, bs-lightbox provides the s-gallery (or alternatively data-gallery) attribute, which allows to group different pictures all over the whole document and shows them all together.

<div class="row">
<div class="col-4 p-2">
    <a href="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-1.png" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example" class="d-block">
        <img src="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-1.png" class="w-100 rounded-2" />

<div class="col-4 p-2">
    <a href="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-2.png" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example" class="d-block">
        <img src="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-2.png" class="w-100 rounded-2" />

<div class="col-4 p-2">
    <a href="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-3.png" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example" class="d-block">
        <img src="/bs-lightbox/assets/imgs/demo-3.png" class="w-100 rounded-2" />


bs-lightbox gives you the full control over the used Carousel and Modal instances, just pass the desired options as second parameter on the Lightbox constructor, the recommended getOrCreateInstance or the general invoke method.

null,       // Use default selector string
    lightbox: {
        loader: false,
        replacePictures: false
    carousel: {
        id: null,
        controls: true,
        indicators: false,
        interval: 5000,
        keyboard: false,
        pause: 'hover',
        ride: false,
        touch: true,
        wrap: true
    modal: {
        id: null,
        backdrop: true,
        focus: true,
        keyboard: true,
        size: 'xl'

The following options are available since version 1.1.0 and are aimed to configure the Lightbox environment itself.

Option Type Default Description
loader boolean false Shows an spinner and preloads the images inside the Lightbox Carousel in the background.
replacePictures boolean false The default option will only replace the image source on <img /> elements, when the lightbox is introduced on an <a> tag. Enabling this option will a also replace <picture> elements with an <img /> tag.

You may recognize a few of the available Carousel options from the official Bootstrap documentation.

Option Type Default Description
id string "lightboxCarousel" Set a custom id value for the carousel element.
controls boolean true Whether the carousel control action buttons, for sliding to the next or previous item, should be shown or not. When only one slide is available, the control buttons will be hidden regardless of this value.
indicators boolean false Whether the carousel indicator buttons should be shown or not. When only one slide is available, the indicator buttons will be hidden regardless of this value.
interval number 5000 The amount of time in milliseconds to delay between automatically cycling an item.
keyboard boolean true Whether the carousel should react to keyboard events or not (left / right button).
pause boolean
"hover" Whether the carousel should pause on mouse and touch-events or not.
ride boolean
false Whether the carousel should autoplay or not. "carousel" starts the autoplay of the carousel automatically, using true will autoplay after the user manually cycles the first item, false disables the autoplay completely.
touch boolean true Whether the carousel should support left/right swipe interactions on touchscreen devices.
wrap boolean true Whether the carousel should cycle continuously or have hard stops

You may recognize a few of the available Modal options from the official Bootstrap documentation.

Option Type Default Description
id string "lightboxModal" Set a custom id value for the lightbox modal.
backdrop boolean
true Includes a modal-backdrop element. Alternatively, specify static for a backdrop which doesn't close the modal when clicked.
focus boolean true Puts the focus on the modal when initialized.
keyboard boolean true Closes the modal when escape key is pressed.
size string "xl" Sets the size of the modal, supports the following sizes: "sm", "md", "lg", "xl" and "fullscreen"


The current version of bs-lightbox provides the following Methods.


rat.Lightbox.invoke(selector: null|string = null, config: object = {}): Lightbox[]

Invokes the Lightbox instances on all capable elements within the current DOM. This method supports 2 optional parameters: selector allows to change the default selector string used to find valid Lightbox candidates, config allows to override the default set of options to configure each single Lightbox instance.


rat.Lightbox.hasInstance(data: HTMLElement|string): boolean

Checks if the passed HTMLElement or gallery string identifier has already been invoked within a Lightbox instance. Attention: This method does NOT verify if the passed HTMLElement is or could be a valid Lightbox candidate, it just checks if an instance has been assigned with it.


rat.Lightbox.getInstance(data: HTMLElement|string): Lightbox|null

Receive an already invoked Lightbox instance using the respective HTMLElement or a gallery string identifier. This method returns null if the passed argument is not assigned with a Lightbox instance. Attention: This method does NOT verify if the passed HTMLElement is or could be a valid Lightbox candidate, it just checks if an instance has been assigned with it.


rat.Lightbox.getOrCreateInstance(element: HTMLElement, config: object: = {}): Lightbox

Receive or create a new Lightbox instance, based on the desired HTMLElement. The second parameter config is only used when this method invokes a new Lightbox instance, the options of existing Lightbox instances stay the same. When the element has a gallery string identifier - which has already been invoked - the element will be appended to this instance.


rat.Lightbox.constructor(element: HTMLElement, config: object: = {}): Lightbox

Create a new Lightbox instance. This method will throw an Error, when the passed element is already be part of an Lightbox instance. We recommend using getOrCreateInstance to prevent this.


rat.Lightbox.dispose(): Lightbox

Destroys the Carousel and Modal bootstrap instances - by calling their own dispose method, and will clear the core Lightbox element. The Lightbox instance itself stays available, with all configurations and native event listeners. This method is used internally, when an open Lightbox closes.


rat.Lightbox.append(source: HTMLElement): Lightbox

Appends a new image to the same Lightbox instance. This method checks if the passed HTMLElement is a valid Lightbox candidate, if not it throws an error. Using append allows to create Lightbox galleries, and is used internally by the getOrCreateInstance method.


rat.Lightbox.toggle(): Lightbox

Calls the .show() or .hide() method, depending if the Lightbox is currently shown or not.


rat.Lightbox.show(): Lightbox

Creates the Lightbox modal HTML structure, applies the Modal and Carousel instances, binds all native as well as custom events, adds this whole construct to the DOM and starts the modal itself. This method does nothing, when the Lightbox Modal is already available.


rat.Lightbox.hide(): Lightbox

Simple hides the Lightbox modal, when available, otherwise does nothing.


rat.Lightbox.cycle(): Lightbox

Calls the .cycle() method on the Carousel instance, when available.


rat.Lightbox.next(): Lightbox

Calls the .next() method on the Carousel instance, when available.


rat.Lightbox.prev(): Lightbox

Calls the .prev() method on the Carousel instance, when available.


rat.Lightbox.to(direction: number|string): Lightbox

Allows to slide to a specific position within the Carousel instance. direction can either be an exact slide number (starting from 0) or one of the following strings: "next", "prev" or "previous".


rat.Lightbox.on(event: string, caller: Function): Lightbox

Attach an event listener to the modal or carousel. Currently supported events are: "slid.bs.carousel", "slide.bs.carousel", "hide.bs.modal", "hidden.bs.modal", "show.bs.modal" and "shown.bs.modal". The event listener is stored internally and attached every time, when then Lightbox' .show() method is called.


rat.Lightbox.off(event: string, caller: Function): Lightbox

Removes an event listener (as attached by the own .on() method) and detach it from the Carousel or Modal instance when the Lightbox is currently shown.


The current version of bs-lightbox does not provide own events, however using the .on() method allows you to attach all available, Bootstrap-native Carousel and Modal events as described below.

Event Description
slid.bs.carousel Fired when the carousel has completed its slide transition.
slide.bs.carousel Fires immediately when the Carousel slide instance method is invoked.
hide.bs.modal This event is fired immediately when the hide instance method has been called.
hidden.bs.modal This event is fired when the modal has finished being hidden from the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete).
hidePrevented.bs.modal This event is fired when the modal is shown, its backdrop is static and a click outside of the modal is performed. The event is also fired when the escape key is pressed and the keyboard option is set to false.
show.bs.modal This event fires immediately when the show instance method is called. If caused by a click, the clicked element is available as the relatedTarget property of the event.
shown.bs.modal This event is fired when the modal has been made visible to the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete). If caused by a click, the clicked element is available as the relatedTarget property of the event.